“They lived and laughed and loved and left”, James Joyce once wrote. Marijuana Packaging Solution values this lifestyle. In A Puff of Humor, we hope you laugh each and every day!
As we all know, cannabis culture itself features a sense of humor. Let’s start our first edition of A Puff of Humor with 10 weed jokes.
Q: How do you know you are a true stoner?
A: When your bong gets washed more than your dishes!
Police Officer: “How high are you?”
Pothead: “No officer, it’s “Hi, How are you?”
If the whole world smoked a joint at the same time, There would be world peace for at least two hours. Followed by a global food shortage.
Q: Why don’t you see any pot heads in elementary school?
A: Because they’re all in HIGH school
Q: What do you call a person who remembers what they did at woodstock ?
A: A Liar.
A stoner called the fire department and said, “Come quick my house is on fire!”
The Fireman asked “How do we get there?”
The stoner says “DUH, in a big red truck!”
Q: What do you call a TV show about physicists smoking weed?
A: The Big Bong Theory.
Q: What do you call a fly on marijuana?
A: A High Flyer.
Q: Did you hear about the stoners who were planning to rob the medical marijuana shop?
A: First they had to case the joint.
Q: What do you call an event when two cities that legalized marijuana get together.
A: The Super Bowl